NEW DATE - OCTOBER 13, 2024. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the race has been moved to October 13th. If you have already registered for the July 20th date you can receive a full refund, transfer to the new date, or choose to run in the Garden of Reflection 5K on September 15th. You will receive an email with details on how to make your choice soon. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused but hope you can join us on October 13th. Thank you for your understanding. If you register now you are registering for the October 13th date.

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Join us for the 2024 Lower Makefield Township "5K Any Way & Color Fun Run for Accessibility" on October 13, 2024. This event is open to runners, walkers and rollers ("any way" you prefer) of all abilities and supports Lower Makefield Parks and Recreation in their continued goal to make all our community parks better accessible to all citizens. 

Grab your family, friends and neighbors and support this great cause with a colorful blend of fun and activity! You can run, walk or roll the 5K for time and prizes, or participate in either the 5K Color Fun Run or 1 Mile Color Fun Run. Kids 5 and under are free! During your race pass through Color Zones and get showered with vibrant colors. To top it off it all ends with a Color Celebration when participants who wish gather together and throw even more color into the air! 

(NOTE: If you do not want to be sprayed with colors, you can choose to bypass any or all Color Zones during the 5K and fun runs.)

All paying participants registered by October 1st will receive a custom 5K Any Way t-shirt in their preferred size (perfect for running through our color zones) and the first 200 paid registrations will also receive a custom designed 5K Any Way medal. Shirts are not guaranteed for those registering after October 1st. We will have a limited supply of extras. Kids 5 and under aren't left out - they get to go through our color zones and get a special kids medal too. 

We even offer a "Virtual Option" for those who prefer so you can complete your 5K any way you wish, anywhere in the world, as fast or slow as you care to go. All virtual participants will be mailed the shirt, medal, and a few color packets to create their own color fun.

You don't need to be an Olympic athlete to participate-anyone of any ability can participate. So, register now and join us for this fun but important event to make all LMT parks better accessible to all our citizens!

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  • 5K Any Way & Color Fun Run for Accessibility
    $35 on/before October 11 at 12:00pm
    $40 after October 11 at 12:01pm or on-site registration

  • 5K Any Way & Color Fun Run for Accessibility
    $40 on/before October 11, 12:00pm
    $45 after October 11 at 12:01pm or on-site registration

  • 5K Any Way & Color Fun Run for Accessibility
    Any way, any time, any place in the US
    $40 on/before October 11, 12:00pm
    $45 on/after October 11, 12:01pm

  • Children 5 or under are free when accompanied by a paying adult who must be 18 years of age or older, but they must be registered. They will need to provide their own shirt, but will receive a kid's special medal for participating.

Plus $2.50 credit card transaction fee per person

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  • Whether running for time and prizes or just for all the color fun, I'm doing the 5K distance with 4 chances to go through the color zone. (I realize I can by-pass any color zone if I'm not in the mood that day.)

  • Hey- we are really going to take it easy and enjoy the fun and the color! Only plan to do 1 mile (3X through the color zone) and not breaking a sweat or racing for prizes, just a great time and a great cause! (I realize I can by-pass any color zone if my mood changes that day.)

  • I can't make it on October 13th, but I am going to run, walk or roll for this important cause from somewhere else that weekend, October 11-13! Will send you my picture.

Terms & Agreements

By indicating your acceptance, you understand, agree, warrant and covenant as follows:

I know that preparing for and running or walking in this event is a potentially hazardous activity. It is being held on open roads with potential vehicular traffic that may cause harm. I should not enter and participate unless I am medically able. I further realize additional risks associated with preparing for and participating in this event including, but not limited to, falls, accidents, health hazards, vehicular traffic, the effects of the weather and the condition of all surfaces, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. I also realize colored powder will be used multiple times on the course and may get into my eyes, be inhaled, or get on my clothing and personal items. I accept all risks associated with the powder before, during and after my run.

I further confirm and acknowledge that I agree to abide by all the current rules and guidelines in affect by the State of Pennsylvania, local Department of Health, and any other governmental body with jurisdiction over the area and/or event. I will not participate if I am not healthy or physically fit. The safety and well being of the entire community is of utmost priority, and this includes all participants, staff and volunteers. I further recognize that LMT, LMT Parks & Recreation, Bucks County Department of Health, Virtual Charity Events, and the 5K Any Way race committee cannot make any claim and does not have any ability to contain or prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus or any other pathogen. Those who have concerns, fears, or at high risk for contracting covid-19 should not run in the event but rather opt to participate in the Virtual Challenge.

Knowing these facts I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, covenant not to sue and hereby waive and release any and all rights and claims or liability for death, personal injury or property damage of any kind of nature what so ever that I may now or hereafter have against Lower Makefield Township, Lower Makefield Township Parks and Recreation, the 5K Any Way race committee and volunteers, Virtual Charity Events, the sponsors, their representatives, successors, or assignees for my preparation and/or participation in this activity. I certify that I am in physical condition for this event and assume all responsibility for my participation.

I further grant permission for the use of my name and/or picture/video in any newspaper, broadcast or other account of this event without further compensation.

If registering a child under the age of 18 or an incapacitated adult I represent and warrant that I am the parent or legal guardian of that party and have the legal authority to enter into this agreement on their behalf and by proceeding with this event registration, I agree that the terms of this Terms & Agreements shall apply equally to all Registered Parties.


5K Any Way & Color Fun Run for Accessibility Sponsors

You Can Become a "5K Any Way & Color Fun Run for Accessibility" Sponsor

Reach the Lower Makefield community, along with walkers, runners, and rollers from around the area with your business name and message. Sponsorships are very reasonable and help you to promote your business when you sponsor this fun and colorful event. Contact David for more details at: [email protected] or download and complete the 5K Any Way Sponsorship Form.

Purchase ProtectionRECOMMENDED

Add Purchase Protection for a small fee and get a 100% refund of your registration purchase should you be prevented from attending due to a qualifying unforeseen circumstance. (Full Terms)

Why protect your registration purchase? Purchase Protection covers:

Severe Illness and InjurySevere Illness and Injury
Death in FamilyDeath in Family
Transportation FailureTransportation Failure
Crime and Home EmergencyCrime and Home Emergency
Employment ObligationsEmployment Obligations
Acts of NatureActs of Nature
Legal ObligationsLegal Obligations

Purchase Protection covers many common unforeseen circumances, but exclusions apply. View full List of qualifying circumstances and exclusions.

* Terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Not available for or applicable to events, attendees, or travel outside of the USA. Purchase Protection is a service offered by Purchase Protection LLC. Purchase Protection is not an insurance policy. It is a service that will refund you 100% of your event fees, taxes and dues should you be prevented by unforeseen circumstances from attending the event. Purchase Protection does not apply to, and will not reimburse, merchandise purchases and charitable donations. Purchase Protection fees will be charged as a separate transaction. Any changes made to your purchase will not change the amount covered in this agreement.

Read Full Terms and Conditions

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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